Annual report 2016

Johan H. Andresen Jr.

Johan H. Andresen

Owner and Chairman

Value-adjusted equity


NOK bn.

Ferd's total net asset value

Return on equity



Return on equity (%)

Operating revenue


NOK bn.

Ferd AS Revenue

Profit for the year


NOK bn.

Ferd AS Profit



Value-adjusted equity and return on adjusted equity



Balances on the group cash pool, listed shares and liquid hedge funds

Main features of 2016


In 2016 Ferd achieved a return of NOK 2.5 billion, equivalent to 9.4%

Ferd Capital made significant investments in private and listed companies, and its portfolio of unlisted investments grew very strongly, generating a return of 18%

Ferd Capital invested just under NOK 2 billion in 2016

Ferd Real Estate achieved a return of 35% in 2016


We will create enduring value and leave clear footprints

This describes the vision that we will strive to achieve. By value we mean more than just financial return - value is also created through personal development and growth. Equally we shall not forget the role we play as a significant and valuable member of society as a whole. Enduring value signals that we intend to create something more than just short-term 'bubbles' - we stand for sound and worthwhile projects of enduring value.

By leaving clear footprints we mean that we want our activities to leave lasting, significant and visible results in their wake. This also acknowledges that a trail is clearest if many follow it - our ambition is for all our companies, units and employees to be driven by the same overriding principles whilst retaining each company's particular identity and freedom of action.

Ferd is committed to value-creating ownership of businesses and investment in financial assets in situations that enable us to make good use of our expertise and the competitive advantages that result from our family ownership.

Ferd has defined two sets of values that will play an important role in realising the business vision for which we strive. 

Corporate Values:

This means that everyone can be confident that we keep our promises - that we will implement our strategies and meet our goals. Even though Ferd is a family-owned company, credibility requires openness in our relationship with the media and the outside world as a whole.

Spirit of adventure
This represents our willingness to take the initiative and see new opportunities - and also our readiness to accept that we can make mistakes. We want our people to be ready to take the initiative and make the extra effort, but they must also feel secure that we understand that not everything can be 100 percent successful. Our spirit of adventure means a commitment to progress and to seeing new opportunities beyond the distant horizon. It also means that all our employees will have the opportunity for personal development and the satisfaction of creating new adventures for the group.

Ferd can only realise its goals if everyone works as a team with mutual respect for each other. This is what creates synergies and a sense of shared purpose both within each company and between all the companies in the group.

Long-term view
The continuity, reliability and integrity which characterise the group will continue to be central aspects of our personality.


Operational Values:

If we are to be a pro-active owner and partner, the group needs to build up a store of knowledge and expertise in important common areas.We have defined finance, business development and networking as key areas of expertise for the group as a whole.

We strive to develop and make good use of the group’s network of contacts, both between our industrial companies and between our industrial and financial activities as a whole in order to create benefits such as synergies between our activities. We must also make full use of the group’s network of international contacts in the best interests of every individual unit.

Our strong capital base and healthy liquidity represent an important competitive advantage, and give us the capacity to provide the financial resources needed to develop and grow both the industrial and financial investment activities of the group.


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  • 1880
  • 1874
  • 1849
  • 1833


Strandveien 50
1324 Lysaker

Postbox 34
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Phone 67 10 80 00
Fax 67 10 80 01

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